Wednesday, April 27, 2005

Welcome to the Neighborhood

If you were wondering what this blog is going to be about, the title says it all: "Bits & Pieces"... It's not just a reference to the severed limb imagery that's permanently scarred into my brain; it's to inform you, the reader, that there's no general direction here...just ramblings. The title also helps keep me in check and will prevent me from writing two page blog entries where I start on a specific topic but then stray off into a million different tangents. So hopefully things will be relatively short and simple. No one really gives a shit about what I say anyway, so I guess this works out nicely...not a whole lot of effort on my part.


Blogger Doug Murata said...

Oh, but you'll find that some people do give a shit! I know of your blog. Do others? A certain sister, I'm sure, would quite enjoy reading your posts and would comment on quite a few of them. Do not deign to belittle your presence on the internet. They will find you, and when they do, it will be quite boring.

2:38 PM  

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