Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Fully Operational Again Soon?

Currently listening to: "Empty Hands" by Bomb Child

Sorry I've only been doing random little posts here and there...just been dealing with A LOT of SHITE/depression/job hunting/ this particular moment I'm at work (just had my one year anniversary at this shithole yesterday) and emotionally I'm not sure if I'm going to cry or vomit...or both...I've been really sad for the past couple days for several reasons...haven't had the time/energy/ambition to do type up new trivia...or check out the blogs of all you fine (read: twisted) folks who drop by here on a regular basis.

So yeah...that's what's going on...I'll try to crawl out of the bottle sometime soon...and Bomb Child is the shit if you dig kick ass rock n' roll:


Anonymous Anonymous said...

awww scott. ****HUGGGSSSS****

hey don't be depressed. or at least don't do anything stupid that will force me to cry.

i dont like to cry. it gives me headaches.

"won't you please think of the children!?" ~Helen Lovejoy

8:03 PM  

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