Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Sexy Q & A

What is Sexy Q & A? Just a little something I'm participating in that was introduced to me by the awesome MJ. Many thanks to her as this was a keen little exercise. If you would like to participate, there are rules listed below. If you would like to see MJ's post where she asked me the questions, click here. Sorry if any of the following is more detail than you needed to know, but hey, it's Sexy Q & A!

The Rules:
-If you want to participate, leave a comment below asking to be interviewed.
-I will respond by asking you five questions (each person's will be different).
-You will update your journal/blog with the answers to the questions.
-You will include this explanation and an offer to interview others in the same post.
-When others comment asking to be interviewed, you will ask them five questions.

1) Have you ever played hooky from work or school for the purpose of sex?
I have never played hooky for it (from neither work nor school), but when I worked at UCLA I showed up late for quite a few of my weekend shifts due to sex. Needless to say, those were some of the best days at work. What a great way to start the day!

2) You meet an intelligent, shy, sorta cute girl at a bar or party. You totally dig her and think about asking her out for dinner. After a couple of hours of fantastic conversation fly by, she leads you to her car and you guys start making out. It becomes clear that, as she moves all over you, she's much more of a vixen than you thought. Soon, she reaches into her glove compartment and produces a condom. What happens to your opinion of this girl? Would you go for it? Would you still want to ask her out?
I have not yet made out with a girl the day I met her. I don't think I'm a prude and I'm all for getting down and dirty (take that as you will) with the right person, but I actually want to know the girl before I stick my tongue down her throat (or stick Scott Jr., well, you know). But getting back on track…my opinion of this girl? First I'll say this: I don't think there's anything wrong with being passionate and being in the moment if there's that much magnetism to merit the meeting to lead up to sex. I'm not judging anyone who would do such a thing. Since I have not had sex that shortly after meeting someone, all I can say is that the way I feel, I personally would not have sex on the first date because that's a bit outside my comfort zone; again, I would like to know the person first. I suppose the readily available condom could be an issue. It's good to be safe, but I wouldn't just have condoms around if I weren't in a relationship...although I guess it's better to have than not to have in the event of an 'emergency.' It could just be stored there from a previous relationship. So then I'm guessing the shy thing is just a way to lure me in? Arrgggh!!! Call me a wuss, but I don't think I could go all the way that soon. I just think that a girl who moves that fast is a bit of bad news for me personally. I don't think a situation like that could develop into any kind of positive relationship for me. I don't mean to offend any single girls reading this who have condoms in their glove box (which is a bad place to keep them by the way!) that they keep there for the purposes of casual sex...whatever tickles your pickle is fine by me. I don't think you are bad people, you're just a little bit outside my comfort zone as far as sex with me goes.

3) Do you ever get turned on while watching mating scenes on the Nature Channel (or similarly nature-themed media outlet)?
I don't get turned on by it, but it is interesting to watch sometimes. Sex in general (human or animal...yes, I know we are animals too) is kind of funny at times. Some of the faces people/animals make during orgasm are priceless...and the noises...hehehe...gotta love the noises...just think of the sound a 300 pound swine would make when getting off...egad, I'm immature.

4) If zombies existed, you know as well as I do that they'd get it on with each other. Your task: describe zombie nookie.
It would hardly be romantic. The undead exist with the most basic animal functions, like the need to feed. Since they are soulless and lack emotions, there would in essence be no such thing as zombies making 'love' (stay with me here). On that note, they would also lack the impulse to reproduce and hence technically would not have sex. Even though they were once human and humans are probably the only species who have sex with emotion involved (I fell asleep a lot in science classes so please correct me if I'm wrong…but I do know that we aren't the only species that has sex for pleasure), if zombies were to get it on, it would just be primal, animalistic fucking. Nothing sexy about it. Just fucking. However, do keep in mind that since a zombie body is constantly in decay, there's a chance that the consistency of the body's flesh might be so decayed that it is too soft and thus fully penetrable, hence the zombie 'member' may just bust through the 'love crevice' (be it the vagina, anus, mouth, or just a hole somewhere where the flesh has already rotted away) and out the other side. The zombie 'member' may also be so decayed that it just might break off. There would be no worry of the zombies eating each other's parts off if there's oral involved because they do not eat necrotic flesh. They just might thrust away until one gets distracted by food or something shiny...or in the event that there is oral, the twice aforementioned 'member' could thrust through mouth into the neck and damage the spinal cord or brain, hence killing the partner.

5) What would you do for a Klondike Bar? If you don't like Klondike Bars, just pretend you do. Pretend they are your most favoritest treat in the whole entire universe.
Fuck anything that moves. Yes, I know this contradicts my answer to question #2, but come on! It's a Klondike Bar!!!...that I'm pretending to like...(I'm lactose intolerant by the way)

"When it comes to reassuring a traumatized 19-year-old, I'm about as expert as a palsy victim doing brain surgery with a pipe wrench."


Blogger MJ said...

1) SWEET. Glad you have your priorities straight (and I do say that without a hint of sarcasm).

2) Wow. And you live in LA? I'm so glad that there are men out there like you :-)

3) What was that TV show where they would go to the zoo and watch the monkeys do it? Was it Married With Children? Your answer reminded me of that :-)

4) Um.... EWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!! tee hee you sicko - awesome

5) I KNEW it!!! hehe

Thanks for playing, Scott!

3:03 PM  
Blogger Doug Murata said...

Um... OK.

4:33 PM  

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