Friday, February 10, 2006

Strawberry Shortcake...lass es schwimmen in benzin

Ok, so I'm listening to Rammstein on my computer here at work and I just accessed the Strawberry Shortcake website. There's a loader that pops up first when you go to and while it was loading, the cd-r copy I made of "Rosenrot" (to keep here at work) was finishing the last track of the album, "Ein Leid," and when the site fully loaded, the Apocalyptica "Benzin" mix started playing (I added it to the end of my copy)...which made an eerie soundtrack for a site like that...kinda made me giggle...I now have a fantastic image in my head of SSC flailing about like a ragdoll on fire...sometimes I really love my job...!

"Willst du dich von etwas trennen
dann musst du es verbrennen
Willst du es nie wieder sehen
lass es schwimmen in Benzin"
Rammstein, "Benzin"


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