Monday, December 04, 2006

"In Defense" of Gwyneth Paltrow

Currently listening to:: "It Takes People Like You to Make People Like Me" by Buck Owens

Yeah, I almost can't believe the headline I just wrote...but here's a story from today:
Hollywood actress Gwyneth Paltrow's recent comments branding Americans as not as civilized or intelligent as their English counterparts has sparked fury in her homeland. The Los Angeles born actress made her remarks to a Portuguese newspaper last weekend, and almost immediately radio stations across America were besieged with angry callers regarding the Shakespeare In Love beauty's comments. She says, "I don't fit into the bad side of American psychology. The British are much more intelligent and civilized than the Americans. I love the English lifestyle. I'm not as capitalistic as America." However, one caller blasted back saying, "If she feels that way we are far better off without her."

I think people are forgetting one key part to what she first said: "The BAD side of American psychology." Granted, I can see how what she says after that could ruffle some feathers...but we Americans need to realize that we're not the best in the everything...even if we'd like to think we are. We may just be the most powerful nation and (not that I've lived in any other country but) I almost don't see how life could be any better anywhere else (and I dig capitalism...we should all enjoy the fruits of our own labors), but we do have this certain quantity over quality attitude which leads to greed which leads to screwing other people over one way or another...and that's the same attitude that ruined BETA as a general consumer product, despite that it's the better home video format. So you see, we have our flaws... And we do still have a lot of prejudice towards people just because of the color of their silly human suits or sexual orientation or whatever...which I'm sure they have in the UK as well, and i may be wrong, but I get the impression that people treat each other over there based on class and not because of race or who they like to bump uglies with...this all sort of reminds me of something I heard in a movie or TV show where someone asked a British guy if he was gay...the Brit responded with "No, I'm British" to which the inquisitor replied "Isn't that the same thing?"...sorry, Squiggle...I mean no offense...

Anyways, who gives a fuck if Gwyneth Paltrow said this shit? What's there to get riled up about? She found a way of life that suits her better and it looks like she's going to carry on with it. She's not hurting anyone. If I said the same thing and it happened to be printed in some random newspaper, I highly doubt anyone would care. So go waste your hate on something more worthwhile, folks... I swear, all this shite going on in the world and people care about that Gwyneth Paltrow likes it better cavorting with the Queen's subjects than we on the other side of the pond...and in a way can you blame her? British humour is funnier and their metal is far above and beyond most American bands. Although I did snicker a little when she said "I'm not as capitalistic as America"...OK, giving her the benefit of the doubt, one could argue whether or not she is AS capitalistic AS America, but when you're a famous, wealthy movie actress and you're married to a "rock" star, that's pretty damn capitalistic...


Blogger paula said...

The LA born actress has every right to her opinion. Speaking of which, being from LA would give her quite the view of the BAD side of American culture that most folks from middle America just couldn't understand. I lived in LA and damn-howdy, that was quite a learning experience.

Feh. Does her opinion really offend people here in the US? Sticks & Stones, people... this isn't 3rd grade.

11:18 AM  
Blogger Doug Murata said...

Regarding why people get all riled up: it's a matter of pride. Those who are making the complaints are very proud of their country and their culture as Americans.

I believe that this is (in general) a good country. It is a country to be proud of. However, what I love most about the country is the idea that all are equal and that we have the right to our own opinions.

I heard either a letter or a poem (I don't remember which) that spoke of the American soldier. It ended with saying that the soldier fights for the American flag, dies for the flag, and has his coffin draped in the flag. He fights and dies to grant the protester the right to burn the flag. That concept is beautiful. She's entitled to say whatever she wants. I applaud her for that. I feel as though what she said makes her very American. There's nothing wrong with looking at our faults and seeing what the others are doing better. I think that's what she's doing.

2:09 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i think shes got the right to say whatever the hell she wants and i agree that its stupid people are trippin on this when we have so many other more important bullshit problems in the world.

3:27 PM  
Blogger Scott said...

Yay, a comment from Yasamin! Just so you know, I did get your email with your comments about this post. Thanks!

3:35 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

yeah don't bother responding or anything. its cool. lol

8:02 PM  

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