Tuesday, August 02, 2005

The NEW Visual Smorgasbord

I always thought the Angelfire photo albums I created were kinda lame so I got rid of them and created a new photo blog thingie right here within Blogger. I've posted all the Visual Bits & Pieces and Visual Smorgasbord images and combined them into the brand new Visual Smorgasbord...there's also two new pics I found somewhere on the net. You can read the now buried introduction here.

I have added a link to this new blog on the right, but here is the address as well:

ALSO, some of you may have already noticed, but I've added a few other links on the right to more weird and keen stuff out thar in cyberspace like:
Albino Black Sheep
This link takes you to the Flash Movies section of their site which I find them ost interesting, but they also have graphics and games as well.

Strong Bad Emails
This is the best part of the Homestar Runner site. Trogdor!!!

Coloring Book
Innocent clip art turned horribly wrong.

Deviant Art
A site where anybody can post their art/photogrpahy and in most cases you can buy prints of the images on the site. There's some really awesome stuff here...and a lot of crap, too.

"Son Number One, this tall drink o' cocksucker ain't dead."


Blogger MJ said...

Where is today's photo?

5:25 PM  
Blogger Doug Murata said...

That's a great idea, having a separate photoblog.

I know what the quote is from! I'm not gonna tell, though!

6:31 PM  
Blogger Scott said...

MJ: In addition to all the stuff you guys have seen before, today's photos were that freaky clown and the panda. Tomorrow's is going to be awesome, but it may come in the afternoon because I have to attend a business meeting in the morning.

Doug: As always, feel free to give the answer when you know it. I didn't have a quote prepared for today and this was the first one that came to mind on the fly. Oddly enough, at that time I was listening to the soundtrack from The Devil's Rejects which is laden with quotes!

8:46 PM  

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