Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Famous Drag Queen...

Currently listening to: "Dysfunctional Doll" by Skumlove

Found this quiz cuz of Yasamin. These kinda things take up too much space on my MySpace page...there's already so much shite on I'm posting it here instead...and when I pasted their 'safe HTML' as well as their 'not so safe?' HTML versions, it came out looking all fucked that's why it looks different...I'm even posting all the questions and my answers!...I'm Divine!

1. What gender are you? - Male
2. How are you built? - Slip of a girly boy
3. What's your drag look? - Terror
4. What decade's clothes od you prefer to dress in? - Contemporary
5. Where do you get your clothes? - Thrift stores, discard bins, whatever I make myself
6. What music do you like? - Rock out
7. How do you want people to respond when they see you? - Fear
8. Where will we see you perform? - A B-Movie
9. What word describes you best? - Angry
10. What's your ideal job? - Musician
11. In you act, you are... - Playing a role. You're really an actor.

Take This Quiz


Blogger Doug Murata said...

I am Dame Edna: Wacky, funny, and just plain nuts, I am the part of drag that's nothing but silly crazy fun. I'm not afraid to laugh at myself, and take a few others down in the process. I am the clown queen of drag! Rock on!

3:49 PM  
Blogger paula said...

I'm Ru Paul.


8:07 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

lol mg i was ru paul too!

10:08 PM  

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