Friday, February 09, 2007

Stuff what?!?!?

"Gravitation is not responsible for people falling in love." ~ Albert Einstein

As I was driving home yesterday I saw a license plate that read "STUFF♄R" first reaction was "Stuff harder?...awfully bold for a license plate..." Then I get a look at the person driving and it's a lady who's in her early to mid 50's...looks like maybe a school teacher...who goes to church...and all that... So now I'm getting all these images of her...getting, eww...but at the same time I was like "Well, right have just as much of a right ot be freaky as the rest of us..." Then about half a mile down the road I realized it was probably "Stuff lover"...yeah, I'm slow...and hey, who doesn't love stuff?


Blogger Doug Murata said...

Ha! You dumbass!

10:43 AM  

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