Monday, June 20, 2005


I had an original post planned for today, but I've got too much work to do. So as a substitute, here's a little tidbit I found when I followed a link from to the NY Daily News website:

"Following the success of the Britney Spears Suite in Boston's Onyx hotel, Backstreet Boy Kevin Richardson is getting his own themed rooms at the Hotel Monaco in New Orleans. Guests will be warned they'll be billed for anything that goes missing, including a $1,000 antique brick the Kev-ster donated from his home."

First of all, who cares? Secondly, you do NOT talk about FIGHT CLUB!...Oh wait...umm...yeah... But seriously, a $1,000 ANTIQUE BRICK??? What, did this guy live in some ancient ruins or something? Is King Tut's secret stash of cocaine hidden inside? What in the fiery, pulsating, maggot-infested HELL could make a BRICK worth $1,000??? If every brick in this guy's house is worth a grand then how much is it for the whole kit and caboodle? I curse thee, O brick, may all your visitors go sterile...

And in case you haven't noticed, I've been adding movie quotes to the end of my posts. Feel free to guess the movie in the comments section of the post the quote is attached to. I suppose I'll list all the answers weekly from here on out unless people think that's a lame idea. If anyone gets this one, then damn, I'll be very fucking impressed...and slightly disturbed:

"I'm an American! And we're tough!"


Blogger Doug Murata said...

I'd guess Die Hard Dracula.

3:55 PM  
Blogger Scott said...

Smart ass...

Alls I can say is that I'm not so fucking impressed...I'm still slightly disturbed...and I forgot I told Doug about that quote last night...

Damn it...

3:59 PM  
Blogger Doug Murata said...

You told me about it? I don't remember. I looked it up. The Internet is a powerful tool.

5:07 PM  
Blogger Doug Murata said...

No! Such is your penance for spawning offspring! You must endure the Elmo!

5:26 PM  
Blogger Scott said...

Ok, so I called Doug regarding "Die Hard Dracula." I did mention it last night...but I might have actually said it to Tritia...although Doug may have been in the room... But still, even though he looked it up, he had to work to find it (he found the quote on some German site), so props to Doug! Die Hard Drac is a truly horrible flick that was made in 1998 but it looks like a bad movie from the 1980's. Needless to say, it's low budget and I've seen student films that were better. I'm truly truly surprised that some nut (aside from myself) actually posted that quote on the web.

5:32 PM  
Blogger Ultra Toast Mosha God said...

Godamn celebrity money gobblers theming their own godamn rooms.

Who the f*ck do they think they are?

$1000 dollar brick? I'd sh1t a brick in his room, then hide it in the curtain rails.

No more profit for you!!!

4:36 AM  

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