Evolution, bitches!*
Currently listening to: "Black Seeds on Virgin Soil" by Old Man's Child
I'm a firm believer in evolution...not a fanatical believer in evolution, but a firm one... If you don't agree with what I think, I'm not going to tell you that you are wrong and shove my views down your throat... But I think evolution makes sense and the Adam & Eve theory is shite.
Check this out: Finches on Galapagos Islands evolving
*And, by the by, lately I've been feeling that sentences and things are just more exciting/interesting when you put 'bitches' at the end of them...even if it makes no sense...juvenile, yes, but I have to do something to amuse myself, right? Gawd, I'm tired...bitches... =)
I'm a firm believer in evolution...not a fanatical believer in evolution, but a firm one... If you don't agree with what I think, I'm not going to tell you that you are wrong and shove my views down your throat... But I think evolution makes sense and the Adam & Eve theory is shite.
Check this out: Finches on Galapagos Islands evolving
*And, by the by, lately I've been feeling that sentences and things are just more exciting/interesting when you put 'bitches' at the end of them...even if it makes no sense...juvenile, yes, but I have to do something to amuse myself, right? Gawd, I'm tired...bitches... =)