Currently listening to: "Amber" by Dir en GreyI suppose you can file this under the 'too much information' category... I had a lot to drink last night...A the point where it felt like the world was spinning and if I tried to read something the words were just dancing everywhere... The last thing I remember was listening to the new Buckethead CDs (he just released 14 new discs!) and loading them into my computer so I can sync them to my media player (and no, it's not an iPod)...the next thing I know I wake up a little before 6:00AM...all the CDs that were on my bed are now on the floor, my guitar amp is on, and I'm under my covers naked (although it was late at night at the point I actually remember and at that time I was in my underwear so it's not like I was ripping off all my clothes in some bizarre Bacchic guitar ritual)... Not sure what the Hell happened there...but at the moment I'm extremely tired...and my left hip that I injured many years ago hurts now...usually it only bothers me when it's really cold...hmmm...
Sorry I've been AWOL and all my blogging has just been sporadic 'bits and pieces' of things...I've got catching up to do with all of you and I also owe you guys some trivia questions...I'll try to get to that soon...when I'm sober and not busy...I've had a lot of work-related things to do lately so I haven't been blogging during the day and at home I've either been doing research for upcoming projects or getting drunk...and for some reason my computer craps out when I try to load Blogger which is yet another hindrance to blogging during the evening...
It's gonna be a weird day...